4 Ways to Make Deposits into Your Confidence Bank Account

I am still on a high after our first Online Workshop last night.  Those of us who participated made significant deposits into our confidence bank account.  Thank you all!  

It’s all too easy to overlook the wonderful things about ourselves when the world is constantly pointing out the things that are not. It’s important for us to be in charge of our own ‘confidence bank account’ and to make many deposits so we do not become overdrawn when the world makes withdraws.  Additionally, we must not to rob ourselves with negative self talk, but overflow our confidence bank account with positive thoughts about who we are and what we are capable of.

Here are some boosters that can help keep your confidence bank account full: 

#1 - Be aware of your successes.

Keep track of your successes. Literally write them down on a log or in a journal.  Keep a record of all successes, both great and small.  By writing them down you can review them.  This way when self-doubt sneaks in to your mind, you can review your successes and reframe your current challenges in a more positive light.  Every time you do something right, make sure you also reward yourself. A reward can be as small as praise, or as big as a formal celebration.  Get in the habit of recognising and rewarding yourself for succeeding in life rather than punishing yourself for coming up short.

#2 - Be aware of your abilities.

What are your abilities? What are the skills you have gained through training and experience?  Keep an “I’m good at” list with you as a reminder of what you are capable of on those days when you feel like nothing is going right.  We can feel insecure about our self-worth when we give too much attention to our flaws. So change what you are looking at by reminding yourself of the skills and abilities you possess.

#3 - Be aware of your talents.

What are your talents? What comes naturally to you?  Talents, which are innate, are different than abilities, which are learned.  The next time you feel a lack of confidence, remind yourself of the talents you naturally possess.  Talents don’t come and go; they are with you all the time.  You have every reason in the world to remain confident knowing that you always have talents that can be accessed and used when you need them. 

#4 - Be aware of the compliments others give you.

Truly listen for the compliments given to you by others.  Compliments reveal the value that others see in us.  When you hear yourself saying, “I don’t have what it takes”, or “I never do anything right” stop listening to that voice and replace those thoughts by remembering the compliments others have given you.  We may sometimes make withdraws from our own account, but positive thinking can overcome any negative thinking that may have been robbing us.

Conclusion?  We all need to learn to be positive. By being aware of the thoughts, words and actions that shake us, we can shift these withdraws from our confidence bank account to deposits that bring us abundance. 

If you didn't make the Online Workshop last night, to celebrate International Coaching Week I will be running it again on 20th May from 1930 to 2100, so be sure to book your place! 

Click here to register for Confident You! Online Workshop


Rachel Dungan
4Front Pharmacy Solutions Ltd