2024 Onsite Pharmacy Assessment
Pharmacy On-Site Assessment System
Dear Pharmacy Owner, Superintendent Pharmacist and Supervising Pharmacist:
- Do you want the certainty and peace of mind of knowing the pharmacies for which you have responsibility have undergone a third party peer review and completed a legal assessment requirement?
- Are you constantly looking for ways to acknowledge practice excellence and continually improve the service you provide your customers?
- Do you want to feel engaged in a valuable, creative, collaborative process rather than a solo, tick-box, energy draining, repetitive task?
Each year the supervising pharmacist must complete a review of the performance of their Pharmacy against PSI standards, using the Pharmacy Assessment System before you re-register your pharmacy. And then you must confirm in the annual declaration to the PSI that you have done so.
Would you like help to take the pain and hassle out of this regulatory compliance issue?
Introducing . . . 4Front's Pharmacy Onsite Assessment
The perfect solution if you want an objective peer partner to help you with this review.
The purpose of this review is to help you to benchmark the current pharmacy supervision, management, documentation, premises, products, services and consultations to ensure that patient safety and quality of care are at the heart of the services provided in the pharmacies for which you have responsibility and to identify and minimise any potential risks your pharmacies could be facing.
But with the relentless demands of day to day pharmacy practice, it is difficult to carve out time to complete the Pharmacy Assessment System. Having a 'should do,' important (but not urgent) task sitting on your shoulders, day in, day out is SOOO draining.
Would you like the help of a peer pharmacist to focus your day? Partner with you to complete a thorough review? Complete a regulatory compliance check? Create agreed-upon action plans to address areas for improvement? . . . all completed within one day?
Hi, I am Rachel Dungan, 'The Pharmacist Coach'
If you have been putting off your Pharmacy Assessment System Review, don't worry. You are not alone, and 4Front can help.
Because we assist many pharmacies in this situation, we have prepared a done-WITH-you Onsite Pharmacy Assessment System Peer Review with one of 4Front's Pharmacists.
What Is Included in this Package?
This package includes a confidential, third party, onsite, Peer Pharmacy Assessment, focused 100% on your unique pharmacy to
- REVIEW the pharmacy practice, using the PSI Pharmacy Assessment System as a tool,
- IDENTIFY areas of practice excellence,
- ASSESS the level of legal compliance and implementation of pharmacy practice guidance,
- Develop ACTION PLANS to address areas identified for improvement.
At the end of the onsite visit, the supervising pharmacist will receive
- A soft copy of the Pharmacy Assessment activities completed during the onsite visit
- A soft copy of the action plans created to address areas for improvement.
This is a DONE-WITH-YOU service and it is essential that the supervising pharmacist is present and fully available to participate in the Pharmacy Assessment.
The following process enables a truly valuable outcome and support the supervising pharmacist to leverage the Pharmacy Assessment System as a quality improvement tool.
The Supervising Pharmacist's responsibilities:
- Book the Pharmacy Assessment for a day when the supervising pharmacist is fully available to participate in the process.
- Allow between 6-8 hours to complete the Pharmacy Assessment.
- Ensure there is a quiet place in the pharmacy for the supervising and 4Front Pharmacists to conduct the review.
- Share the purpose of the review with the pharmacy staff, as Section 2 and 3 requires observation of pharmacy work flow.
- Ensure the required documentation is within easy access e.g. SOPs, prescription print-outs, duty register, CD register, staff training records etc.
The 4Front Pharmacist responsibilities:
- Complete section 1, 4, 5 and 6 review WITH the supervising pharmacist,
- Observe section 2 and 3 independently,
- Complete the compliance audit of each section,
- Create suggested action plans based on the findings,
- Discuss action plans with the supervising pharmacist and
- Offer a courtesy follow up call 2-4 weeks post-visit.
Additional Fees Apply for Activities such as:
- Travel expenses,
- Implementation of action plans,
- Off-site completion of any activities not completed during the onsite visit,
- Follow up coaching, training or consultancy,
- Dispensing services / pharmacist cover.
- Stop procrastinating and start to focus and get the right things done,
- save time worrying and reduced their sense of stress and panic,
- acknowledge areas of practice excellence which gave them confidence,
- increase their motivation to engage with review processes in the future,
- feel ready and prepared in the event of a pharmacy inspection,
- have a plan and purpose for their own and their team's training and development and
- have the peace of mind of knowing that you have legally, ethically and professionally fulfilled this requirement.
If you are ready to get your Pharmacy Onsite Assessment off your 'good intentions' list and onto your 'action' list, don't delay and click below to book your appointment.
The investment for this service is just €649 per pharmacy + related expenses
The return? Priceless.
NOTE: This is a multi-step process: (1) agree to contract, (2) make your payment (3) schedule a date with Rachel electronically or by phone.
If there are several pharmacies within a pharmacy group, please contact Rachel by phone or email to schedule appointments.
Pharmacists Experience (in their own words):
'This is the best money I have ever spent. You have no idea of the weight you have lifted off my shoulders.' Supervising Pharmacist, Superintendent Pharmacist, Pharmacy Owner
'It was a great reality check. I was apprehensive about what you might find, but also knew if there is something we can do better, I am not going to find it by hiding from it! The action plans we created today are so practical, doable and relevant, I am looking forward to implementing them.' Pharmacy Owner, Superintendent Pharmacist
'I expected to tick the Pharmacy Assessment Audit task off my to-do list. And I got that. What I also got (that I did not expect), was that the process of completing it with a colleague (rather than on my own) would be FUN! Who knew? I will definitely avail of this service again next year.' Supervising Pharmacist
'I wanted an external audit to benchmark the quality and professionalism of the service provided in my pharmacies. I was encouraged by the positivity with which the supervising pharmacists engaged. They not only appreciated the support to fulfil one of their roles, but also the peer support of a highly experienced pharmacist colleague, with whom to discuss ethical dilemmas.' Pharmacy Owner
'Patients deserve consistently high quality service, and there are gaps at present. The results of this assessment confirm anecdotal stories and has given me the evidence I need to make a compelling case to the Pharmacy Board of Directors to fund training for patient-facing staff as a professional and business priority. What's more, the staff have indicated they want training, because they want to do their job even better.' Superintendent Pharmacist
Your Professional Responsibilities
- Each pharmacist’s CPD and Pharmacy Asssessment System Audit is unique to them. Examples are provided, not with the intend to express or imply that there is a ‘right way’ for pharmacists to record their CPD or Pharmacy Assessment System Audit Results, but to offer some perspectives as to how other pharmacists are approaching their learning, development and PSI Obligations.
- Pharmacists should familiarise themselves with the provisions of the Pharmacy Act 2007, PSI Pharmacy Practice Guidance, (including guidance relating to the Pharmacy Assessment System) the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (Continuing Professional Development) Rules 2015. S.I.553/2015 (CPD Rules) and the relevant ePortfolio Review Standards published by the Irish Institute of Pharmacy.
- The information, ideas, and suggestions discussed during consultations have been developed, in good faith, from sources, including those indicated above, which are considered and believed to be reliable at the time. Nevertheless, it remains your responsibility to satisfy yourself as to your regulatory compliance.
- Due to the nuanced nature of pharmacists CPD and Pharmacy Assessment System obligations, the assistance of competent, qualified professionals is recommended when implementing your learning into practice.
- The information provided by 4Front Pharmacists during consultations, is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate at the time of delivery, and is solely for educational purposes. 4Front specifically disclaims any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence directly or indirectly of the use and application of any content discussed during consultations.
For the sake of creating a safe learning environment by protecting information shared by yourself, 4Front and other participants, when you register,
- You commit to safe-guard the confidentiality of the participants and material contained therein.
- You agree to protect sensitive, personal and copyright information by NOT sharing contents with any external party, without the prior written permission of 4Front.