Mental Fitness Programme FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I know if this is the right programme for me?

This is the right programme for you if you are

a) committed to improving your performance and effectiveness dramatically while reducing stress,

b) looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick, and

c) willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you.


I am already overwhelmed.  How much time and effort is required in the intensive 6-week part of the programme?

You’d be committing to

  • watching a 1-hour video once per week BEFORE the live pod meeting.    
  • attending a weekly 1hr LIVE pod session for the first 8 weeks (comprising one intro session, six pod sessions and a final session to wrap up the intensive phase and transition to the growth phase of the programme).  
  • doing a combined total of 15 minutes per day of practice guided by the Positive Intelligence app exclusively designed for this programme. 
  • listening to the Positive Intelligence Audio Book over the first two months (8hr content in total)


I totally get the value of the programme.  Any tips to leverage my time to fit building my mental fitness into my busy day? 

Previous participants have shared that they have enjoyed listening to the Audio Programme and Weekly Video lesson while doing other things such as 

  • going for a walk or run (physical AND mental fitness) 
  • commuting to or from work (while walking, driving or using public transport) 
  • doing household tasks such as ironing, laundry, gardening, cooking etc.  
  • as part of bedtime or morning routine


Why are you offering a 6-month programme instead of the 6-week programme?

Great question! The short answer is that we want you to be successful.  

For the long answer, I will use physical exercise an analogy to illustrate the point!  

To build your physical fitness - stamina, strength, conditioning, flexibility and balance - you need to create and sustain a physical exercise routine.  Indeed lack of physical activity is associated with such negative effects that they say 'sitting is the new smoking.'  While a six week 'couch to 5km' type of physical fitness programme certainly builds physical fitness quickly, unless it is sustained, the person will lose their physical fitness, and its associated benefits very quickly.  On the other hand, if a person builds on the fitness gained during the initial six week programme, it is easier to sustain that fitness with less effort.  It is also easier to build on that fitness level to attain higher levels of personal mastery and to experience the benefits of improved health, wellbeing and performance.


What type of goals do people have coming into the programme?

We encourage participants to clarify one personal and one professional goal within the first two weeks of starting the programme.  That way, you can define what your goal is, your measures of success and track your progress towards your goal.  It also helps you to immediately apply what you are learning to YOUR specific context.  Goals are most commonly related to wellbeing/stress, productivity/performance and relationships/conflict. 


Why do you limit the FREE accountability partner offer to the first 10 people?

The primary reason is that my license to run the Positive Intelligence Program is limited to a maximum 25 seats per cohort.  This means that 20 seats are filled by the first 10 people who bring an accountability partner, with just 5 seats remaining. 

Will I get a Certificate at the end of the 6 months?

Yes, you will get a certificate of completion, which includes the hours attended and the content covered.  Attaining your certificate is an acknowledgement of your commitment to your mental fitness, but, in itself, it is not the point of the programme.  Mental fitness is a LIFELONG practice of personal leadership, professional excellence and relational mastery, the practice of which is a gift that keeps on giving.    

What if I want to continue with with the programme beyond 6-months?

After the initial six months, you are welcome to continue your membership and enjoy the ongoing benefits of the Positive Leadership Academy by a monthly subscription. 

Does my engagement in this programme also count towards CPD?

Mental fitness is a LIFELONG practice of personal leadership, professional excellence and relational mastery.  As such, there are multiple ways that your learning in this programme can be applied within a professional context and mapped to all professional core competency frameworks.  

For pharmacists, CPD counts when you write up a CPD cycle in your e-portfolio and map your learning to the Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists.  CPD applications are great topics for mastermind groups in the second part of the programme.   


What are the LIVE dates to prioritise in my calendar?

For the INTENSIVE phase of the programme:  The 1hr LIVE pod meetings are for 8 consecutive weeks, from 8pm-9pm Dublin/London time from on Mondays

For the GROWTH phase of the programme: The 1hr mastermind sessions, facilitated by Rachel Dungan are from 8pm to 9pm Dublin/London time on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, commencing on the 3rd month of your programme.  These sessions will be recorded and the recording can be accessed from your Coaches Console Account.

The 1hr PQ application session, facilitated by Shirzad Chamine are generally on 2nd Wed or Thurs of the month from 6pm-7pm Dublin/London time  (10am Pacific Standard Time).  The session will be recorded and can be accessed in the PQ App.  


Does my support person/accountability partner have to be a pharmacist?

 No, your support person/accountability partner DOES NOT have to be a pharmacist.