Rachel | 10 Questions to Ask Your Coach

What are ten questions you recommend healthcare professional leaders should ask when selecting a coach?

  1. What is your coaching philosophy and approach?  How do you role-model your approach and philosophy?
  2. What sorts of outcomes do your most successful clients typically seek from coaching with you?
  3. Do you have client feedback where they share their outcomes and experience of working with you in their own words? 
  4. What evidence-based strategies, theoretical principles and shape your coaching practice/model? 
  5. How do you understand and apply the Ethical Frameworks to which you and your clients subscribe? 
  6. What experience and qualifications do you have as a coach, particularly in the healthcare industry? (educational background, training, credentials, qualifications and experience?)  
  7. What are your continuing professional development practices as they relate to your own learning and growth as a healthcare professional and coach?  
  8. How do you stay current with healthcare industry trends and developments and how do you integrate this knowledge into your coaching approach?
  9. Do you also offer team or group coaching?  How is team coaching different from group coaching or coaching a team leader?
  10. How do your most successful coaching clients work with you?  e.g. What is your availability for coaching, and how do you schedule and conduct these sessions?  Do you have a written coaching agreement?  If so, could we go through it together?  How do you handle confidentiality in your coaching relationships?  How do you provide feedback and support for my professional development and growth?  Do you provide services, other than coaching, to empower clients to achieve their goals? 

If you are interested in CPD Facilitation, using The Coach Approach with me, I invite you to CLICK HERE to take 4Front's 6Ps of Professional Excellence Self-Assessment Tool.  In just 10 minutes, you will gain instant feedback into your strengths and areas for improvement across critical domains for healthcare leadership and create the ability to benchmark your future growth against your current responses, empowering you to strategically guide and track your progress towards professional growth and leadership effectiveness.  Equipped with these insights, and if, having read my answers to the 10 questions below, you feel inspired to do so,  CLICK HERE to book a complimentary call with me.  Based on our conversation, and your needs, if we were to agree to partner together as coach-client, we would review and tailor my standard, written service agreement together.  

What is your coaching approach / philosophy?

As "The Pharmacist Coach" I take a partnership approach to coaching, where as client and coach, we work together as equals to achieve your desired outcomes.  Unlike more hierarchical relationships such as parent/child, teacher/pupil, healthcare professional/patient, mentor/mentee or consultant/client, coaching is based on the belief that the client is the expert in their own life/business and has the capacity to create their own solutions.  The coach brings their expertise to facilitate the client's learning and growth, creating reflective spaces for leaders and practitioners to develop self-awareness, skill mastery and growth. 

My approach is centred around 4Front's 6Ps of Professional Excellence, which includes

  • developing Personal leadership by consistently practising the energy fundamentals of breathwork, sleep, healthy eating, physical movement, mental focus & celebration
  • clarifying Purpose - personally, professionally and organisationally 
  • deepening Professional excellence through life-long learning and growth, aligned with professional competencies and codes of conduct
  • aligning People around a compelling vision 
  • creating Products & Services that enable healthcare professionals to empower patients to be proactive about managing their own health and wellbeing 
  • resulting in Prosperity.  Prosperity, in the context of intentional living, includes financial and time prosperity, where clients make intentional choices about how to invest their time and money in a way that aligns with their values and priorities.   

 As coach and client, we co-create a tailored 'lead with coaching' curriculum to meet each client's specific needs.  Typically, we draw from a range of evidence-based strategies to foster

  • personal and professional autonomy,
  • self-mastery and skill mastery and
  • a healthy culture and collaboration. 

By doing so, clients (as healthcare leaders) gain new perspectives and tools to navigate challenges and intentionally chart their path to prosperity, role-modelling healthcare in action. With the 4Front's 6Ps of Professional Excellence as the foundation, clients can create a sustainable and resilient approach to leadership and healthcare management in today's volatile, uncertain, ambiguous, and chaotic world.

How do you role-model your approach and philosophy?

I apply 4Front's 6Ps of Professional Excellence™ to fulfill my role as 'The Pharmacist Coach.'  For example:

Purpose - As 'The Pharmacist Coach,' I take a holistic approach to personal, professional, people and business aspects of healthcare leadership, with a vision, that together we use our gifts and opportunities to do what is within our control and influence to empower all aspects of health... a healthy microbiome, healthy vibrant bodies, healthy relationships at home and at work, healthy teams, functioning in healthy businesses, with healthy finances, which serve healthy communities within a truly health oriented healthcare system on a healthy planet. 

Personal - Drawing on my diverse background as a mother, farmer's daughter, gardener, yoga teacher, coach and pharmacist, I provide my clients with a whole-person, whole-system perspective on health, well-being, growth, and development.  As a matter of personal ethics, I commit to (imperfectly!) role-modelling 'health' and 'care' as a healthcare professional by consistently practising the personal leadership practices that most support me to foster and create health within myself and in my relationships.  These include the energy & focus fundamentals of breathwork, sleep, healthy eating, physical movement, mental focus & celebration.  My daily personal leadership/self-mastery practices include Yoga Poses, Breathwork and Meditation practices, Cooking, Gardening, Positive Intelligence Practices, Walking our Dog and Infra-Red Sauna.  

Professional - Through my 11 years of coaching experience, I have witnessed firsthand the critical importance of providing busy practitioners with a confidential space to reflect, acknowledge their strengths, deepen their professional mastery, and explore ethical dilemmas. By partnering with a colleague, healthcare professionals can PAUSE, focus on replenishing their own well-being, and ultimately be of better service to the clients and systems they serve. Without this space, well-intentioned practitioners are at risk of not noticing early signs of burnout, which can lead to errors in judgment and negatively impact patient safety.

People - My coaching approach fosters innovation and mitigates risk by providing healthcare professionals (individuals and teams) with the time and space to reflect, strategise, and consider complex problems from a variety of perspectives. As a result, my clients appreciate the opportunity to acknowledge progress, create alignment, address challenges, and recalibrate their strategy and relationships as new insights and contexts emerge. By empowering ourselves, our team members and our patients to be proactive in managing our goals, health and wellbeing, we can create a more person-centered approach to healthcare.

People: In addition to my coaching practice, I am proud to facilitate the 'Living Well With a Chronic Disease Self-Management Program' with Arthritis Ireland and the HSE. This evidence-based program, developed at Stanford University's Patient Education Resource Center, empowers individuals living with chronic health conditions to take an active role in their healthcare and improve their overall quality of life. By providing participants with the tools to set goals, problem-solve, communicate effectively with healthcare professionals, manage medications, and engage in physical activity, healthy eating, and stress reduction strategies, we can empower individuals living with chronic conditions live their best lives and engage effectively with the healthcare professionals on their team.

Products and Services: As 'The Pharmacist Coach', I am fascinated by emerging trends in healthcare, technology, ecology, and person-centered care. I explore the links between pharmacist and coaching competencies, lifestyle medicine, the science of motivation, leadership performance, adult learning principles, neuroscience, neurobiology, positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, sustainable behaviour change, and spirituality. By staying abreast of emerging trends and technologies, and through my conversations with colleagues and clients, I can provide my clients with the most up-to-date and effective coaching strategies.

Prosperity: For me, prosperity is synonymous with intentionally living in a way that aligns with playing a beneficial role to co-create healthy systems.  My choices aim to promote a healthy microbiome, healthy vibrant body, healthy relationships at home and at work, healthy teams, functioning in a healthy business, with healthy finances, making a positive difference in the health, wealth and wellbeing of my clients and those they serve.   

In conclusion, as 'The Pharmacist Coach,' I take a holistic approach to healthcare leadership, communication and wellbeing. By providing healthcare professionals  and their teams with a reflective space to pause, recharge, and replenish their well-being, we can create a more person-centered approach to healthcare that fosters innovation, mitigates risk, and ultimately improves patient outcomes.

What do your clients most appreciate about you as their 'Pharmacist Coach'? 

My coaching practice is rooted in a diverse range of theoretical principles and evidence-based coaching strategies that empower my clients to achieve their goals effectively, goals such as

  • personal and professional autonomy
  • self-mastery and skill mastery
  • critical thinking and strategic decision making
  • a healthy culture and collaboration. 

As a healthcare professional and coach, I have a depth and breadth of training and experience which I can draw upon in service of my clients, their patients, team members and the entire system.  My clients consistently report that I have a number of strengths that they find add value during our coaching relationship.  These include

  • my ability to hold a big picture, systemic perspective,
  • my willingness to test assumptions and explore alternative hypotheses with my clients and
  • my openness to sharing and eliciting observations we are making, feelings we are experiencing and learnings we are gaining with my clients in service of creating win-win-wins, positive ripple effects throughout the entire system.

Each coaching session (as coach and as client) deepens my trust in myself, trust in my clients and trust in the process of coaching.  My journey towards professional mastery and ethical maturity includes continually sharpening my saw on my journey towards mastery – as Pharmacist, Coach, Client and 'Pharmacist Coach' practitioner.

What sorts of outcomes do your most successful clients typically seek from coaching with you?

After 6-12 months of coaching, which often includes Mental Fitness and Strategic Coaching, clients often experience a comprehensive range of both tangible and intangible outcomes that significantly contribute to their personal, professional and business growth. Here's a snapshot of outcomes my clients typically seek.

Tangible Outcomes

  1. Purpose: Personal Fulfillment and Work-Life Integration: Most clients are keen on achieving a balance between their professional responsibilities and personal well-being, minimising burnout and maximising a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their life, knowing they are making a meaningful difference in the lives of their patients, colleagues and loved ones.    
  2. Personal: Reduced Burnout, Stress Management and Resilience: My clients often seek strategies to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain peak performance even in challenging situations.
  3. Professional: Leadership Excellence  and Career Progression: My most successful clients want to develop their leadership capabilities, inspire their teams, and lead with purpose and authenticity.  For clients, this often involves taking the next step in their career journey, such as choosing leadership opportunities, transitioning to a new field, or starting/growing their own healthcare business.
  4. People: Effective Communication and Inter-Disciplinary Collaboration: In the healthcare industry, communication is crucial.  Clients often aim to improve their communication skills, within their teams, with patients, with professional colleagues, and with colleagues from different disciplines.   
  5. Product and Services: Enhanced Person-Centered Care and Innovative Service Offerings:  For some clients, the focus is on developing and implementing innovative pharmacy services, showcasing creative problem-solving abilities to contribute to better experience for patients and healthcare professionals, better adherence to treatment and better health outcomes. 
  6. Prosperity: Improved Personal, Team and/or Organisational Decision-Making, Clients develop enhanced critical thinking skills and a clearer decision-making process, leading to more confident and effective choices in their clinical and leadership roles, resulting in improved team dynamics, patient outcomes, or organisational culture.

Intangible Outcomes:

  1. Purpose: Confidence and Clarity: Many clients seek to enhance their self-confidence and gain clarity about how their career path, leadership style, and personal aspirations align with their sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  2. Personal: Greater Self-Awareness and Positive Mindset: Clients gain deeper insights into their strengths, areas for growth, and limiting beliefs, enabling them to operate from a place of self-awareness.  Positive leadership practices result in reduced self-sabotaging thoughts, increased resilience, and a more constructive perspective on challenges.
  3. Professional: Lifelong Learning Mindset: Typically, my clients (as individuals, teams and/or organisations) embrace a growth-oriented mindset, continuing to seek opportunities for learning and growth long after the coaching engagement ends.
  4. People: Enhanced Emotional Intelligence and Stronger Leadership Presence: Clients develop better emotional regulation skills, leading to improved patient interactions, team dynamics, and conflict resolution.  As my clients embody more authentic and effective leadership styles, their leadership resonates more powerfully with their teams and inspires better collaboration and results.
  5. Products and Services:  Innovation and Responsiveness to Patient Needs through product and service offerings often enhances personal and professional reputation and recognition. 
  6. Prosperity: Clients often report more intentional and productive use of time and money, which often results in better alignment of the way they are living their life, with their most cherished values. 

Do you have client feedback where they share their outcomes and experience of working with you in their own words? 

Yes.  You can read client feedback below and read or offer public feedback on LinkedIn.

Feedback from Clients, with WHY they sought coaching under-lined

When I signed up for professional coaching, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect but on the first day, Rachel quickly put me at ease. Over the next six months, she created a space where I was able to openly and honestly talk about my hopes, fears and vision for my department and myself. Hearing her reiterate my concerns and ask questions helped me organize my thoughts and create new goals. I had all the answers to move forward but I was feeling stuck until I started working with Rachel. Being accountable for the commitments I made in our sessions helped me make the time needed for each new step. Being able to talk honestly without fear of judgement helped me gather the courage to take some important actions that were very much needed for my career. Having Rachel encouraging and supporting me during this journey has made all the difference. I'm so glad I met Rachel and I highly recommend her!. (Diana Shipman | LinkedIn)

Risk Mitigation Outcomes:

While some of my clients begin coaching from a position of inspiration and growth, many are driven to coaching because the way they are working isn't working any more and they fear devastating consequences if they don't restore energy and health, relieve relentless stress and overcome inertia, resistance to change and a sense of time poverty.  Many are deeply frustrated, resentful and demoralised as a result of carrying the burden of unrealistic expectations for too long, without the autonomy or resources to change it.  Having given all they've got (and more) for far too long, some are at or near burnout, struggling to keep the professional mask in place, pushing them to consider radical life changes.

Workplace Symptoms of these Challenges, which leaders and managers often want to address include:

  1. Decline in Team Performance:  Stressed, burnt out or reactive team leaders, coping with unrealistic expectations, cannot be inspiring, energising leaders.  Unaddressed declining resilience and impoverished leadership capability often shows up as a decline in team performance, decreased productivity, lower team morale, compromised patient care quality and increased patient complaints.  Clients want to resource themselves and/or their leaders to address these issues.

  2. High Turnover Rates: Without investing in professional growth and providing healthcare professionals with opportunities to expand their skills while also reducing workplace frustrations, there is a risk of high turnover rates, within the healthcare professions and/or within the organisation. Globally, this is leading to a loss of talented and experienced healthcare professionals, increased recruitment and training costs, and instability within the healthcare team.  Clients are keen to become 'employers of choice' or 'managers/leaders of choice,' bucking the global exodus trends in healthcare.

  3. Work-Life Imbalance Creating Strained Inter-Personal Relationships: If managers/leaders and owners don't priortise effectively balancing their personal, professional and business responsibilities, it inevitably impacts their ability to work collaboratively with patients and intra and inter professional colleagues within the healthcare setting.  Unaddressed, this could result in strained relationships, poor teamwork, and potential negative effects on patient outcomes.  Clients are keen to navigate what work-life balance looks and feels like for them during this season of life, and to empower those they manage/lead do the same.

  4. Stagnation and Resistance to Change: Without continuous development, exposure to new ideas and deliberate, strategic space for innovative thinking, healthcare professionals slip into survival mode, becoming stagnant in their approach to leadership and resistant to change. This status quo bias hinders individuals', professions' and organisations' ability to adapt to evolving healthcare practices, technological advancements, and industry trends.  Clients are keen to have coaching support as they challenge themselves to create a learning culture where team members think strategically, embrace change and innovate. 

  5. Missed Opportunities for Professional & Organisational Growth: Without intentionally expanding their professional opportunities and perspectives, managers & leaders may miss out on valuable learning experiences, innovative practices, and potential partnerships that could contribute to their personal, professional and organisation's growth and advancement.  Neglected, this could hinder their ability to evolve, stay competitive and adapt to the changing healthcare landscape.  Clients want coaching support to enable them to shift from being reactive to being proactive, so they exit the vicious cycle trap and generate a virtuous cycle of learning and growth. 

Through a personalised 'lead with coaching' curriculum, my clients create genuinely positive practices, become more resilient and even more well-equipped to thrive in their professional roles while making a meaningful impact in the healthcare ecosystem.  By leveraging a wide variety of proven coaching skills, philosophies and techniques alongside domain-specific coaching, my clients not only seeing measurable improvements in their clinical and leadership skills but also experience profound personal growth and an elevated sense of purpose in their personal, professional, team leadership and business roles.

Feedback from Clients, with risks they wanted to mitigate under-lined

Launching my business was harder than I expected. Of my own accord, I got stuck or spent too much time on the least impactful activities. I needed clear strategies and objectives; to get out of the muck.  I knew Rachel was driven by her mission and had an uncanny ability to outline the actions needed to make her dream a reality; I wanted some of that! And I got it!  Rachel challenged me to first identify my values and the change I wanted to make in the world with my clients. That was a liberating experience and has helped me get focused. Once I knew claimed my purpose and whittled away the unnecessary words, Rachel helped me identify the four strategies for moving forward.  As a result, I’ve been able to make significant business and life decisions and am confidently offering my coaching and consulting services to my ideal clients. Rachel helped me realize that saying NO often helps me say YES to bigger, bolder, and more satisfying things. My business is growing even as I relocate! 
If you want to be super clear on your purpose and/or want to turn data into clear action items, Rachel is a terrific coach!  Mary Baker | LinkedIn
Blind-spots in self-leadership and business management can be extremely costly, in so many ways, especially when you are running your own business. It's easy to unintentionally damage your business by operating without an experienced, knowledgeable coach mentor providing objectivity, accountability and good advice. Rachel has a unique ability to see the constraints in my business - and in my behaviour - and reflect them back to me with laser-like clarity and guide me to a better understanding of any issue, problem or obstacle. I have to admit, Rachel tends to stretch my brain in every session I have with her. But the reward of invaluable expansion of entrepreneurial performance and capacity to handle what is required is priceless. I would not go without it. (Virpi Tervonen | LinkedIn)
I want to give a big, big recommendation to Rachel Dungan and her coaching!   I had zero coaching experience before, and I was one of those people who thought that coaching was just silly woo woo and that it couldn't possibly be helpful.   BUT I was struggling to come to terms with the impact of living with endometriosis and PMDD and I had tried everything that I could think of already, and my family and I were still suffering.  So I decided to give coaching a chance.  One of the reasons I chose Rachel is because she is a credentialed coach and we share a background in healthcare.  (I am a nurse and she is a pharmacist).  
Do I still think that coaching is silly woo-woo?  No.  I take it all back. I couldn't have been more wrong and now I'm a believer. It's a very powerful thing to find an outside perspective on life, a person who helps you reflect on things and find what is already in you.
Rachel's coaching methods are both empowering and encouraging. I found so many new solutions to my life's knots and so many new ways of seeing things. I learned to think outside my own box and had so many breakthrough moments! 
Her way of coaching was so warm, whole hearted and caring that every session was a truly wonderful experience. She is such a wise person and I have the utmost respect for her. She had the ability to be firm (in a soft way) and challenge me to find new ways of thinking, feeling and finding my way out of seemingly dead ends.  Her tools and strategies continue to help me, even though our coaching has come to an end.  
If you are in need of a coach or even if you don't know that you need a coach, give Rachel a chance. I can assure you, you won't be disappointed.  (Rea Hogbacka)

What evidence-based strategies & theoretical principles shape your coaching practice/model? 

My coaching practice is rooted in a diverse range of theoretical principles and evidence-based coaching strategies that empower my clients to achieve their goals effectively, goals such as

  • personal and professional autonomy
  • self-mastery and skill mastery
  • critical thinking and strategic decision making
  • a healthy culture and collaboration. 

 Here are some of the key principles and strategies that underpin my work as 'The Pharmacist Coach.'  Together, my client and I choose a strategy, best aligned with their personal and systemic context, experience and desired outcomes.

  • Adult learning theory recognises that adult learners have different learning needs, preferences, motivations and experiences, which is why I promote a tailored approach to co-creating the learning and growth path with my clients.   
  • Reflective Practice is a fundamental component of facilitating learning and growth through coaching.  By reflecting on an experience or situation with a coach, the client creates new understandings, and ultimately develops greater self-awareness.  New awareness can help to break destructive patterns that are obstacles to professional growth.  
    • Definitions for reflection tend to cite John Dewey (1933/1997), Donald Schön (1983) and Boud et al. (1985). From these definitions, reflection is an active, purposeful thinking process for learning and growing through experience.  
    • Literature distinguishes between Reflection-IN-Action (developing the reflective practice skill of recognising and articulating what we’re learning on a moment by moment basis) and Reflection-ON-Action (developing the reflective practice of looking back after an event has occurred in order to extract learnings and meaning and to evaluate the theories of action used to solve the problem).  Generally, reflection-on-action develops the skill of reflection-in-action. 
    • Reflective practice is a fundamental component of continuing professional development and is required by all regulatory bodies of healthcare professionals in order to attain and retain registration, for trainee, newly qualified and experienced practitioners. (Atwal & Jones, 2009). Coaching provides a space for reflective practice for individuals and teams. 
  • Positive Intelligence (PQ)® Mental Fitness Coaching draws its best practice methodology from its own Stanford University based factor analysis, in addition to research conducted by neuroscientists, performance scientists, positive psychology researchers, cognitive-behavioural scientists, mindfulness-based interventions.  It provides a simple (but not necessarily easy) practice and framework for applying and integrating growth-mindset and emotional intelligence (EQ) principles at home and at work to cultivate professional autonomy, deepen leadership presence, foster resilience, promote continuous learning and development, encourage constructive feedback and achieve self-mastery, master core leadership skills and empower personal, professional, team and business growth.   
  • Coaching Science draws on a number of evidence-based theories and practices, all focused on facilitating learning and growth in individuals and teams.  Bodies of work which inform the ICF and EMCC Coaching Core Competency Frameworks, and must be demonstrated by credentialed coaches in reflective practice, performance evaluations and proctored examinations include adult learning theory, self-determination theory, humanistic theory, systems theory, goal-setting theory, narrative theory and social cognitive theory.  
  • Evidence-based coaching methodologies are applied dependent on the where the client is stuck and the desired outcome.  For example Appreciative Inquiry focuses on strengths, possibilities and the inherent potential within teams and individuals and is especially useful where the client is stuck in problem-mode to increase engagement, innovation and collaboration.  Prochaskas' Readiness to Change Model and Motivational Interviewing can be invaluable to help resolve ambivalence to change - when one part of us wants to change, and another part of us resists that change.  
  • Red Team Strategic Coaching® is a synthesis of inter-disciplinary research, combining elements of psychology, strategy, leadership and communication, and initially applied by 'Red Teams' in the military.  This approach is applied in healthcare to support leaders and teams to sharpen strategic thinking, optimise decision making in complex systems, identify blind-spots, reduce risk, and foster creative thinking and innovation.  
  • Team Coaching is more complex than individual coaching, as a result of different inter-personal relationships and competing priorities and yet it can be even more impactful.  Team coaching leans into research on Psychological safety to create a supportive, constructive and non-judgemental learning environment.  Attachment theory, social identity theory, self-determination theory and inter-personal neurobiology can all play their part in supporting psychological safety in teams. Systems theory is critical as teams do not operate in a vacuum.  Therefore it is important to explore how a team's behaviour could be influenced by the wider social context.  Group dynamic theories including Tuckman’s stages of group development, group-think and their impact on critical thinking and psychological safety.  Psychological models such as Transactional Analysis and the Drama Triangle, can be especially useful in supporting teams to resolve conflict, especially involving relational dynamics.
  • Models I incorporate into 4Front's 6Ps of Professional Excellence Model in coaching include Johari’s window, Hawkin’s Seven Eyed Model and Passmore & Stokes Reflective Learning Model, Positive Intelligence 3S Mental Fitness Framework, Red Team Coaching Models, Karpman’s Drama Triangle & Emerald's Empowerment Triangle.  

How do you understand and apply the Ethical Frameworks to which you and your clients subscribe? 

Given the complexity and constant evolution of our professional work, I see codes of ethics as frameworks for helping us avoid compromising behaviours and helping us to make difficult life and work decisions, specifically as it applies to our practice as healthcare professionals, coaches, super-visors and mentors. 

I see them as frameworks for deepening my own and my clients’ understanding of how ethical principles apply to our professional practices, ethical maturity, ethical decision making, ethical sensitivity, uncovering and exploring (often unconscious) biases and for navigating ethical dilemmas to a point where we can find peace and sustainability in our chosen path.  

Each of the codes of ethics or codes of conduct to which I subscribe (e.g. EMCC/AC Global Code of Ethics, NBHWC, ICF and PSI) help me to explore and navigate scope of practice challenges with clients, cross-professional boundaries to navigate and potential conflicts of interest.

My awareness and practice in integrating different codes of ethics has deepened my interest and ability to encompass a variety of frameworks to assist clients and myself to objectively identify, assess and evaluate our ethical processes to support conscious, ethical decision making.

While many people see codes of ethics or codes of conduct as providing minimum standards of behaviour, I see codes of ethics as an inspiration for deep practical philosophical dialogue towards trust-based, rather than rule-based ethical behaviour, as we navigate competing priorities and complex situations.   

A question I like to ask is ‘If we were to consider at least five possible ethical dilemmas in this situation, what potential ethical dilemmas could there be?’ 

What are your qualifications / credentials as a coach and mentor for healthcare professionals?
As a pharmacist & healthcare professional, I am a Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland.  I hold a Masters Degree in Pharmacy, Post-Graduate Diploma in Quality Assurance and I am a Scholar of Trinity College Dublin (1993).  This entailed 4 years of under-graduate study and 3 years of post-graduate study in addition to an intern year. License renewal occurs annually, with review of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) required every 5 years.
As a coach, I hold the credential of Master Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF-MCC) and am an ICF approved Mentor Coach.  The ICF-MCC credential is the most prestigious coaching credential globally, and requires coaches to meet stringent criteria including extensive coaching experience, demonstrated mastery of the ICF core competencies, completion of advanced coach-specific training and passing a rigorous performance evaluation and written examination. Ongoing credential renewal, with Continuing Professional Development (CPD), is required every 3 years.
As a mentor, I hold the credential of Senior Practitioner with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC EIA-SP).  The EIA-SP is a mark of excellence, highly regarded by clients, employers and coaching peers.  It requires mentors to submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates experience, excellence and professionalism including training, client hours, client feedback, case studies, super-vision and other reflective practices.  Ongoing credential renewal, requires evidence of education, impact and reflective practice, including Continuing Professional Development (CPD), client feedback and super-vision is required every 5 years.

As a medical, health and wellness coach, I hold the credential of National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and the designation of Professional Medical Coach (PMC). These credentials are designed primarily for professionals working in health related fields (e.g. medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dietetics, physiotherapy, psychotherapy etc.) to develop expertise in empowering clients to co-create and adhere to their lifestyle and medical treatment plans.  The NBC-HWC credential is administered by the National Board of Medical Examiners in the USA, and requires credentialed coaches to meet stringent criteria, including holding an associate's degree (or higher), coaching experience, demonstrated coaching skills assessment and passing a proctored written examination.  Ongoing credential renewal, with Continuing Professional Development (CPD), is required every 3 years.
As a leadership coach, I hold specialist certification as a Red Team Strategic Coach® and Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Coach.  These two approaches synergise in a way that amplifies the leadership effectiveness of healthcare professionals, enabling them to navigate complex challenges, drive innovation, and cultivate a positive and resilient mindset. The combination of these methodologies creates a comprehensive approach that addresses both strategic thinking and personal growth, resulting in more empowered and impactful healthcare leaders.   Because I retain membership of the Communities of Practice for these Certified Coaches, I have ongoing access to emerging best practices, global coaching colleagues and proprietary tools to support me to empower my leadership and team clients as they develop and sustain mental fitness and critical thinking capabilities in uncertain times. 

As 'The Pharmacist Coach', these qualifications, credentials and communities of practice attest to decades of experience, tens of thousands of hours of professional practice and thousands of hours of training, reflective practice and personal and professional development, all of which is at your service.

Feedback from Coaching Peers

(More peer feedback accessible for members on ReciproCoach and ICF Reciprocal Peer Coaching (coachingfederation.org)

Rachel is a phenomenal coach and I feel very lucky to have been coached by her. Her style is relaxed yet on the button in terms of picking up on what has and has not been said and then reflecting this back in a way that is both supportive and challenging. She is highly skilled in listening and helping expand reality into what is possible. Her focus on working with the person, and not the problem, trusting the client and the process opens the path to get great results.

The 'inner work' that we did has made this my most impactful coaching experience. I was able to be properly objective and to begin to cut myself some slack. I feel better equipped to understand and do what I need to. I feel encouraged that I am on my 'right' path.  Rachel is a phenomenal coach and I feel very lucky to have been able to be coached by her. She is a consummate professional and is genuinely focused on supporting her clients in their development. She has the talent and the tools to achieve this. I strongly recommend her to you. (Deborah Lightwood PCC) 

Rachel is a true Master Certified Coach (MCC) and has a deep coaching mindset and partners very closely with her client. She is empathetic and light-hearted while asking very powerful questions that evoke awareness.  I had a number of varied life and work issues arise during our 6 month program and I was grateful to have a coach to work through these with. The sessions gave me greater clarity and accountability to help address the issues as they arose.  Based on my experience as Rachel's client, Rachel is a true MCC and partners very well with her clients to achieve the best outcomes with them. She builds rapport quickly and remains non-judgmental throughout. Rachel is always curious and uses her active listening to pose questions that are both powerful and impactful. Thanks Rachel for your support and it was my pleasure to work with you. I would highly recommend you as a coach.  (Linda McLoughlin MCC) 


What are your continuing professional development practices as they relate to your own learning and growth as a healthcare professional and coach?  


I have always placed a high value on Continuous Professional Development (CPD).  I was a member and presenter with the Irish Centre for Continuing Pharmacy Education (ICCPE) from the time I was studying for my Masters in Hospital Pharmacy.  When the ICCPE was disbanded, I became an inaugural peer support pharmacist with the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) and continue to be a pharmacist tutor with the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) Academy, for community pharmacist continuing education.  For me, preparing and delivering relevant, engaging and practical continuing education topics with and for colleagues invigorates me.

As 'The Pharmacist Coach' my CPD focuses on developing mastery at the intersection of

  1. Pharmacy Excellence,
  2. Coaching Excellence,
  3. Excellence in Health & Wellbeing (Personal, Professional, Team and Organisational)
  4. Enabling, Equipping, Engaging Empowering Professional Excellence in Leaders and Teams.

My approach to my CPD almost always follows 4Front's ABCDE Success Path™, aligning with the framework of the IIOPs SPADE CPD Cycle.  

  • Self-Appraisal, Self-Awareness and a Conscious Decision to Grow an Area of my Practice. I proactively use Pharmacy, Coaching, Team Coaching and Super-Vision Core Competency Frameworks, client impact & reflective practices to guide my CPD priorities.
  • Personal Plan of Education, Experiential Learning and Implementation Opportunities to Break-through the status quo.
  • Action involves Claiming Control of what IS within my control and taking action towards my professional growth goal.
  • Documenting My Learning across 4Front's 6Ps of Professional Excellence is part of my reflective practice towards Developing Mastery.
  • Evaluate Impact on my Practice as 'The Pharmacist Coach' includes reviewing the degree to which my CPD has been applied to Empower Others - be that Healthcare Professionals, Leaders, Managers, Teams or Coaches - to be the positive ripple effect they want to see in the world.  

As 'The Pharmacist Coach' my CPD practices empower, equip, enable and engage me to continually elevate my mindset, skillset and action-set, for the sake of being of optimal value to you, so that we can all serve ourselves, our clients/patients, our colleagues, our professions and the communities we serve to increasingly high standards of professionalism, ethical maturity and personal and workplace wellbeing. 

How do you stay current with healthcare and coaching trends and developments and how do you integrate this knowledge into your coaching approach?

In my practice, I prioritise connecting with opportunities for learning with and from a range of subject matter experts and professional colleagues globally.  For example:

  • I contribute to research projects in both Pharmacy and Coaching.  For example, in 2023, I have contributed to the FIP Community Pharmacy Section FIP’s “Have your say on Positive Practice” initiative, which reflects my commitment to shaping the future of community pharmacy and promoting professional sustainability. I am also a Coach contributor to an ICF Research Project examining workplace coaching and the impact on wellbeing and resilience.
  • I participate in and contribute to IIOP, International Federation of Pharmacists (FIP) and Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) Events and Conferences and am a Mentoring Ambassador with the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP), Mentoring in Practice Programme.
  • As a Certified Mental Fitness Coach, I am a member of the Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mastery and B2B Programmes.  As a community, we meet bi-monthly to learn together, support each other and our clients to navigate dilemmas through a PQ lens. 
  • As a Certified Red Team Coach, I am a member of the vibrant Community of Red Team Coaches, who share best practices and experiences with one another.
  • I am a member of Reciprocoach's Super-visor and Mentor Coach Teams, which gives me the opportunity for attending bi-annual mentor coaching and super-visor development training and also observation of my group mentor coaching and super-vision by another member of the Reciprocoach team, with developmental feedback.
  • I participate in group coaching super-vision at least monthly, in three contexts – super-vision of my practice within a health context, super-vision of my super-vision and peer super-vision with other ICF-MCC coaches. 
  • Because I am based in Ireland and many of my super-vision clients adhere to more than one code of professional ethics, I have also joined the Supervision Association of Ireland, which attracts cross-professional super-visors.
  • I was co-leader of ICF's Global Health and Wellbeing Coaching Community of Practice (COP) for 3 years.  The ICF COPs I am currently most actively engaged in are the Leadership & Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Coaching Super-Vision, Coaching Science, and Coaching Ethics Communities of Practice. Each COP meets quarterly to provide training, discussion and share experiences.  My engagement helps me learn with and from thought leaders in different domain areas. 
  • I have been an Implementation Mastery Facilitator with the World Business and Executive Coaching Summit (WBECS) for a number of years.  This annual event for business, executive and team coaches attracts a diverse range of global thought-leaders, authors, academic researchers and practitioners in the fields of coaching, wellbeing and leadership & organisational development, across a number of industries including healthcare.  Through my role I get to attend two live weekly sessions with thought leaders who share their cutting-edge insights and practices, after which I facilitate an implementation mastery session afterwards with 5-10 leadership & executive coach peers.
  • I take an active interest in healthcare and coaching research, methodologies and trends in the wellbeing space, through my membership of the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO) and my Yoga Teacher Training Network.  
What are the pros and cons of one-to-one and group coaching and which would you recommend for me?
Group Coaching Pros (small groups of 3-5 participants)
  1. Shared Learning related to a specific theme:  Clients can share their experiences, successes, challenges and dilemmas related to the theme, with each other, which can lead to expanded insights and learning.
  2. Diversity of Perspectives: Clients bring different perspectives, experiences and styles, which can provide a rich learning environment and offer a broader range of feedback and support. 
  3. Sense of Community and Support: Being in a learning community both in and between sessions reduces a sense of professional isolation and increases the sense that 'we have each others' back.'
  4. Promotes Critical Thinking and Questioning: By offering different perspectives, group coaching allows clients to learn from other people's biases, preferences or assumptions, shine a light on where we are being unduly self-critical, and provide an opportunity for collaborative learning and exchange of varied perspectives.  

Group Coaching Cons

  1. Relevance of the Theme of the Group Coaching: The theme of the group coaching sessions may not be relevant right now. 
  2. Scheduling and Coordination: The timing of available group coaching sessions may not suit your schedule.
  3. Reduced Individual Attention: While each group member will contribute, the focus is on the group as a whole.  
  4. Hesitancy in Sharing Sensitive Information: While all groups members are expected to maintain confidentiality, each coaching group will discuss exactly what that means within their specific group context.  At times, a client may choose not to bring sensitive topics to group coaching and instead request a one-to-one session, by separate arrangement. 
  5. Power Dynamics / Group Dynamics may not always be constructive: A coaching group depends on the ability of each member of the group to hold each other with respect, non-judgement and compassion.  If there is a lack of psychological safety within the group, clients may hold back on bringing their real challenges and dilemmas for discussion. 
One-to-One Coaching Pros
  1. Flexibility: Logistics is limited to coordinating just two people's calendars! 
  2. Individualised attention: Clients receive individualised attention and feedback from the Coach, which can be tailored to their specific needs and challenges.
  3. Confidentiality: One-to-one coaching sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for clients to discuss sensitive or personal issues or dilemmas.
  4. Helps identify blind-spots or biases: Reflection-ON-action with a client can expand thinking beyond a current stuck-point to include additional perspectives.
  5. Provides opportunity for collaborative learning: Both coach and client can partner together to co-create a learning experience tailored to the client's unique learning style and desired outcomes. 
One-to-One Coaching Cons
  1. Limited learning from others: Clients may not have the opportunity to learn from others in the same way as they would in a group setting. 
  2. Higher financial investment: One-to-one services generally cost more that one-to-several services

How is team coaching different from group coaching or coaching a team leader?

A team leader and a team coach have different roles, different focuses and different interactions with the team. 

A team coach observes, acknowledges and guides a team to grow and develop, so the team has the clarity, capability and collaborative ways of working together to make the changes required to fulfill their collective role and achieve their shared goals.  Team coaches observe and name patterns that might be hindering the team's performance.  Examples could include challenging habitual thinking, group-think, dysfunctional inter-personal dynamics, unconscious biases, over contributions by more extroverted team members and under contributions by more reflective team members, the need to be liked or to seek consensus over-riding critical thinking etc. 

The team leader is one of the roles within the team.  This role often involves selecting team members, distributing leadership and roles within the team, setting strategy, monitoring progress towards the goals and fostering a positive, collaborative, inspiring and motivating culture within the team.  It also involves providing clarity and guidance to the team and identifying training and coaching needs of individual team members to help them fulfil their roles within the team.

According to ICF, Team Coaching is 'partnering in a co-creative and reflective process with a team on its dynamics and relationships in a way that inspires them to maximise their abilities and potential in order to reach their common purpose and shared goals.'

FOCUS Group Coaching Team Coaching
Client Focus Individual healthcare professionals The client is a healthcare team, as a single entity 


Enhanced individual effectiveness in their role(s)

Improve the effectiveness of each role within the team

Participant Composition

Any group of individuals, potentially with varying needs and aims

A team with a shared purpose and clear, shared goals.


Comprises a collection of people who have a common interest and are individually accountable.

Collective accountability with high inter-dependency.

Dependency Success is not dependent on the presence of all group members. Success depends on collaboration and trust among all team members. 


Individual success and growth

Shared team success and achievement of common goals. 
Emphasis Personal and professional growth, inspired by a group setting.  Enhanced team performance and collaboration.
Benefits Overcoming personal and professional barriers.

Overcoming barriers or impediments to team collaboration and performance.

In summary, one-to-one and group coaching are about individual growth, while team coaching is focused on elevating team performance by nurturing collaboration, trust, and shared success. When selecting the right coaching approach for healthcare leadership, consider whether the primary need is to develop individual skills or to enhance the performance of the healthcare team as a whole.

How does coaching with you work in practice? 

  • What is your availability for coaching, and what is your preferred mode of communication?
    Clients usually book an initial call via my calendar.  If we agree to work together, we will agree a default-diary date and time for our sessions going forward. 
    All group and one-to-one coaching sessions are held on zoom, unless by prior alternative arrangement. 
    In between sessions, all my group and one-to-one clients have access to me via the Private Client Portal.  Other communication modes are agreed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Do you have a written coaching agreement? 

Yes.  Before commencing our coaching relationship, my clients and I always have a written agreement.

 In the case that your coaching is being sponsored in part, or in full by a Company Sponsor, there would also be a tripartite written agreement between 4Front Pharmacy Solutions Ltd as the service provider, you as the Client and the Company Sponsor to clarify expectations.

  • How do you handle confidentiality in your coaching relationships? 

Confidentiality agreements, including limits, are explicitly stated in our coaching agreement.  

  • How do you provide feedback and support for my professional development and growth?

If you are interested in CPD Facilitation, using The Coach Approach with me, CLICK HERE to take 4Front's 6Ps of Professional Excellence Self-Assessment Tool.  In just 10 minutes, you will gain instant feedback into your strengths and areas for improvement across critical domains for healthcare leadership and create the ability to benchmark your future growth against your current responses, empowering you to strategically guide and track your progress towards professional growth and leadership effectiveness.  Equipped with these insights,  CLICK HERE to book a complimentary call with me.  Based on our conversation, and your needs, if we were to agree to partner together as coach-client, we would review and tailor my standard, written service agreement together.  Among other topics, this agreement includes financial investment, time commitment, confidentiality responsibilities and constraints and each of our responsibilities as coach and client, logistics etc.  


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