Purpose | The Role of Purpose in Pharmacy Leadership Pt2

The Role of Purpose in Pharmacy Leadership - Part 2


Welcome to the second part of our exploration into the critical role of purpose in pharmacy leadership. In this two-part series, we're exploring into why purpose matters, what science tells us about it, the risks of neglecting it, and how it aligns with your pharmacy leadership role, as outlined in the "6Ps of Professional Excellence Self-Assessment for Healthcare Managers and Leaders."

Defining Purpose: Remember, purpose is the profound reason behind everything we do, the 'why' that fuels our actions. It's the force that gives our lives and careers meaning, transcending the day-to-day tasks and contributing to something greater.

Why It Matters:

Purpose-driven leaders create opportunities for their team members to contribute their talents and ideas while aligning them with the pharmacy's purpose.  Actively seeking to understand the needs and expectations of your customers and adapting accordingly is a hallmark of purposeful leadership.  Purpose-driven leaders inspire and motivate their teams by connecting individual work to the overall purpose of the pharmacy.  Being proud that the work you and your team do makes a positive difference to your customers' lives is a testament to the power of purpose.

The Science:

Research into healthcare leadership, wellbeing, positive psychology and neuroscience all indicate that ‘flow states’ (Csikszentmihalyi) can amplify our sense of purpose and leadership impact.  The study of the neuroscience of motivation and goal pursuit to understand how purpose affects brain function has accelerated since the advent of fMRI technology. 


Remember that neglecting or overlooking personal, team, professional and organisational purpose in pharmacy leadership can lead to disengagement, burnout, decreased morale, and an impact on patient care.

Practical Applications:

Here are four practical ways to become an even more effective pharmacy leader and harness the power of purpose:

  • Foster a Culture of Contribution: To create opportunities for your team members to contribute their talents and ideas and align them with the pharmacy's purpose, encourage a culture of collaboration and innovation. Make it clear that their contributions are valued and integral to fulfilling the pharmacy's purpose.
  • Customer-Centric Adaptability: Actively seek to understand the needs and expectations of your customers by regularly engaging with them. To align with the pharmacy's purpose, frame this understanding as a commitment to enhancing patient care and well-being.
  • Inspire Through Purpose: To inspire and motivate your team by connecting their individual work to the pharmacy's purpose, share inspirational stories and real-life examples of how their efforts make a positive difference in patients' lives. Highlight the meaningful impact of their daily tasks on the community's health and well-being. This will instill a sense of pride and purpose in their work.
  • Celebrate Purpose-Driven Achievements: Foster a sense of pride and accomplishment among your team by regularly celebrating the pharmacy's achievements related to its purpose. Recognise and acknowledge team members who have gone above and beyond to fulfill the pharmacy's mission.

By focusing on these practical tips, you and your team can effectively harness the power of purpose, creating a motivated and engaged team dedicated to achieving the pharmacy's mission and making a meaningful impact on patient lives.