4Front Positive Leadership Programme
Welcome to 4Front!
Pharmacists, Educators and Healthcare Workers, do you find that at times your mind can be your best friend
but at other times can be your worst enemy?
Research shows that part of your mind is constantly sabotaging your potential for both performance and happiness. This self-sabotaging part of your mind is what causes you to experience all your negative emotions, including stress.
Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don't build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice.
And that's what the Positive Intelligence Program®, designed by Stanford professor Shirzad Chamine is designed to empower you to do.
"When I realised how strong my Saboteurs were and the impact they have on me and my mental health, I really wanted to challenge my way of thinking." (Pharmacy Technician)
The Positive Intelligence® breakthrough, research-based tools strengthen the part of your brain that serves you (Sage), quiets the part that sabotages you (Saboteurs) and enables you to intentionally flip the switch between the two (Self-Command). As a result, you handle life's challenges with a more positive growth mindset and less stress.
We call this mental fitness.
The Positive Intelligence Program® grows your three core mental fitness muscles within six weeks, installing the foundational mental fitness operating system, on which mastery can be built. The Breakthrough app delivers personalised daily practices that result in powerful new habits for a positive mind.
I’m Rachel Dungan, an Irish Pharmacist, award-winning Leadership, Medical and Wellness Coach, Yoga Teacher and creator of 4FrontPharmacy’s STEPS Leadership and Consultation Framework. I have already led 51 Irish professionals through this programme.
I’ve been licensed by Stanford Professor, author of New York Times Best Seller ‘Positive Intelligence’ and creator of ‘Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Programmes, Shirzad Chamine, as a Certified Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coach and Training Provider.
Similar to starting a Physical Strength and Conditioning Programme, the first 6-weeks of your Positive Leadership Programme is about building your Mental Fitness Muscles. It’s the intense part of our work so that you have the tools to weaken your Saboteurs and strengthen your Sage Powers.
How It Works
Shift the Balance in Your Mind
Through consistent practice, you will experience immediate and sustained improvements in your energy and wellbeing. These have a ripple effect into your ability to develop others, enhance teamwork, manage conflict and improve empathy (the cornerstone of 4Front's STEPS Consultation and Leadership Framework).
Boost Performance
76% Improve Ability to Develop Others 92% Better at Teamwork and Collaboration
Improve Wellbeing
91% Manage Stress Better 83% Improve Self Confidence |
Strengthen Relationships
84% Better at Conflict Management 97% Improve Empathy |
"I feel more optimistic about life and about my marriage because I know that I have these saboteurs that have played a huge part in causing my unhappiness. I recommend this program as a practical way to minimise these unpleasant saboteurs, eventually helping one to find the true self." (Healthcare Worker)
What Makes The Positive Intelligence (PQ) Program® Different
Your (positive Sage and negative Saboteur) energy ripples into every area of your personal and professional life.
- It infiltrates your relationships with colleagues, customers, family, friends and foes.
- It affects your work-life balance, the quality of your sleep, your thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
- It determines the choices you make, and the results you experience and your impact on others.
Your ability to master your mindset is THAT important.
Intentional on-going focus on building your three Core Mental Fitness Muscles allows you to prioritise mastering your mindset as a fundamental, lifelong leadership practice.
To equip you to optimise the benefits from your initial six- week intensive mental fitness training, the 4Front Positive Leadership Programme facilitated by Rachel Dungan, Certified PQ Coach® includes an additional four months of support to engrain your PQ practice so that you sustain your momentum, assume a steady, sustainable pace going forward so that you (and those with whom you interact) reap the rewards of your ever strengthening mental fitness muscles.
The Next 6-Month Cohort of 4Front Positive Leadership Programme
begins November 5, 2022
Participation options are listed below:
Premium 6-Month Programme | €1995
- Bring an Accountability Partner for FREE! (for first 10 people who register).
Why? Building new habits and neural pathways is simple in theory, but not so easy in practice. Cohort based learning and having a trusted accountability partner has been proven to leverage success by 500% compared to going it alone. To leverage your success, consider who would be a good wing-man or wing-woman for you as you go through this programme. The most successful accountability partners may be a work colleague, family member or friend. The most important thing is that they are interested in developing their own mental fitness, are willing to commit to doing the programme themselves and to supporting YOU to stay on track, especially when the going gets tough.
Initial 6-Week Foundation Programme to build your three core mental fitness muscles, through cohort based learning. This includes:
- 1-hour weekly video lesson (released on Saturdays)
- Weekly 1-hour LIVE group 'POD' call with Rachel for first 8 weeks
- Your private community channel to stay connected with your POD cohort going through the programme (Community support is vital when creating new habits)
- The audio version of the book 'Positive Intelligence,' read by the author Shirzad Chamine
- Use of the PQ App (with daily practices to build your three Core Mental Fitness Muscles and track your progress)
The following 4 months build on the initial intensive programme to develop mastery and APPLY your mental fitness skills in personal, professional and leadership contexts. This includes:
- Fresh daily content in the PQ App (following the initial six week programme)
- A monthly LIVE Positive Intelligence (PQ) APPLICATION Zoom session with Shirzad Chamine (Recent topics included Energy Optimisation, Wellness, Productivity, Stress and Conflict)
- Access to PRN (when required) PQ Application Modules within the PQ App to help you navigate challenges as you experience them
- Two live Mastermind Sessions per month, facilitated by Rachel, which commence AFTER the completion of the initial intensive programme.
- Deep dive applications relevant to Irish Leaders, Professionals and Teams
- Share successes, applications and learnings among peers
- Navigate current challenges together, using the PQ Framework
- Reflective space for mapping PQ Skills to Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
- Option to extend ongoing membership on a month-by month basis after the initial 6 months
4Front Mental Fitness Programme Premium November 2022
Elite 6-Month Programme| €3995
Includes all of the PREMIUM benefits PLUS
- Twelve (12) 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Rachel
NOTE: It is up to you and your accountability partner to decide how you want to use the 1-on-1 sessions. Options include:
- You use all 12 sessions and your accountability partner avails of the PREMIUM resources
- You both attend the 1-on-1 sessions together
- You divide the 12 sessions between you e.g. six 1-on-1 sessions each
4Front Mental Fitness Programme Elite November 2022
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if this is the right programme for me?
Why are you offering a 6-month programme instead of the 6-week programme?
What type of goals do people have coming into the programme?
Why do you limit the FREE accountability partner offer to the first 10 people?
Will I get a Certificate at the end of the 6 months?
Does this also count towards CPD?
What are the LIVE dates to prioritise in my calendar?
Does my support person/accountability partner have to be a pharmacist?