Calling All Pharmacists and Pharmacy Professionals
L.E.A.D. Pharmacy 12- Month Mastermind Group
Be Proactive About Reaching Your Desired Future
Are you currently a . . .
- Pharmacy Owner?
- Superintendent or Supervising Pharmacist?
- Pharmacy Manager?
- Locum Pharmacist?
- Pharmacy Technician?
- Pharmacy Intern?
- Pharmacist returning to work following maternity leave, gap year, sick leave?
- Pharmacist transitioning
- from one role to another?
- from a locum to support role?
- from a support role to supervising, supervising to superintendent?
- from intern to qualified pharmacist?
- from another country to work in Ireland?
Do you sometimes feel . . .
- Professionally isolated?
- Bogged down in paperwork?
- Ignored?
- Lacking in confidence?
- Overwhelmed?
- Under-valued and under-appreciated?
- You don't have time for you in your own life?
- Fearful of making a harmful mistake?
Are you also wanting to grow your confidence and competence so that you . . .
- deal proactively with changing circumstances?
- gain peer feedback and support?
- increase your impact and influence?
- confidently take on new responsibilities?
- position yourself positively in the marketplace?
- reclaim control of your time?
- are confident in your decisions?
- confront your negative self-talk and mental blocks that are holding you back?
- develop the mindset and skills to be the best version of yourself, even in challenging circumstances?
- are clear, focused and motivated to realise your vision and achieve your goals?
- increase your client satisfaction rates?
- reduce the risk of fitness to practice issues?
- feel well prepared for your CPD ePortfolio Review?
If you answered YES to any of these questions,
you are in the right place!
As a pharmacy professional, you have a tremendous impact in your work environment and the community in which you work, even if you are there for just one day. This impact can be either positive or negative. Our wish for you is that you, your clients, your staff and your patients experience you as a positive impact in each interaction and work environment.
So, take a moment and ask yourself the following questions.
What impact do you have NOW?
What impact do you WANT to have?
HOW are you going to bridge this gap?
The L.E.A.D. Online Mastermind Programme
This innovative training is uniquely focused on the "soft" skills that cause the hardest problems that we weren't taught in university. Knowledge is the key foundation of pharmacy practice. However studies show that without excellent personal skills and attitudes, up to 85% of our impact and results are lost, despite our knowledge. This programme will help you to increase your impact and influence, assist you to confidently take on new responsibilities, position yourself positively in the marketplace and develop the mindset and skills to be the best version of yourself, even in challenging circumstances.
Here are some of the reasons recent participants shared about joining the programme:
"The desire to be more confident less afraid and more relaxed again as a pharmacist made me start the programme. The overspill into my personal life was also taking its toll. I was terrifed of CPD."
"I was very much in my comfort zone at work, being in the same job for 5 years but in all honesty I knew I was professionally isolated working on my own with a technician who wasn't going to help me record my CPD- I needed to do something to get out of my comfort zone and meet other pharmacists, even on-line, who all want to push ahead with their CPD. From reading about the LEAD programme I felt I would be communicating with other pharmacists."
The L.E.A.D. Online Mastermind Programme is designed to assist your development in the following NON-clinical CORE competencies for pharmacists:
Personal Skills
- leadership skills
- decision making skills
- communication skills
- team-working skills
- dealing with conflict
Professional Practice
- patient-centred care
- ethical practice
- professional practice
- engage in continuous personal and professional development
Safe and Rational Use of Medicines (communication aspects)
- consultation skills
- patient consultation skills
- identify medication safety issues
- provide medication information and education relevant to the context of the patient's life
Organisation and Management Skills
- self-management skills
- stress management
- transitioning from one role to another
- human resource management skills
- workplace management skills
Here Are Just A Few Ways That This Programme Will Benefit You:
- You will have an organised structure and framework to complete all your non-clinical CPD
- All modules are mapped to the core competency framework for pharmacists
- You'll be part of a learning community and learn with the support of like-minded peers
- You'll banish the sense of professional isolation
- You'll be able to deepen your confidence to thrive in the midst of change
- You will learn how to deal with overwhelm and reclaim your time
- You will learn how to transition from a survive mentality to a growth mentality
- Your will start to realise how you can consistently make a positive impact
- You will re-discover the leader in you
- You will learn how to develop the skills to confidently resolve conflict
- Your personal skills, your organisation and management skills and professional practice will improve
- You will learn how to manage yourself, your colleagues and engage better with patients
- Everything is located online, in a virtual environment which eliminates travel time and costs to attend live face to face events
- You will have 24/7 access and flexibility to review webinar recording at your convenience
- We make it easy for you to use our virtual platform
- Plus you will only have to dedicate 4 hours per month to recharge your own batteries AND ensure CPD requirements met at the same time
Current participants have experienced the following benefits from being engaged in the programme"
"I feel more in control in my work environment which means I am feeling less stressed in and outside of work. I am more optimistic about achieving what I want to achieve in work. I am now viewing and reflecting on decisions through the lens of my values which is something I had not considered before."
"This programme is a life-saver. I can now articulate so many things that I never had words for before. The content is really SO thought provoking. The fact I was driving to my locum posts gave me time to think. And I loved listening to the recordings especially the contribution of other pharmacists, on my way to and from work."
"It became very clear to me doing the values, vision and authenticity topics that I was not thriving or contributing optimally in the work environment I was in. I made a conscious choice to change that and I have discovered that I am adaptable and I can add more value in different working environments. I am much more proactive about selecting work environments that support me to add the most value."
After 10 years of owning and managing my own pharmacy, I took a year off work on extended maternity leave. After the first few months I started working on my e-Portfolio. I kept my clinical knowledge up to date by reading and by completing some clinical presentations on line. However, I struggled with improving my competence in Domains 1 (professional practice), 2 (personal skills) and 6 (organisation and management skills) by being out of the workplace. Moreover, on completing the CCSAT , Domain 1 (professional practice , practices ethically) and Domain 6 (organisation and management skills, self- management skills) were identified as two areas for improvement.
I was at a cross-roads in my life, experiencing personal (becoming a parent) and business (sold my pharmacy) changes. I wanted to get clear about my next steps. I signed up and completed the Alignment Module of L.E.A.D. Online Programme over a four month period. On completion, I not only had 3 CPD cycles demonstrating improved competence in Domains 1, 2, 4 and 6 completed, but I had also learned a huge amount about myself. In particular, the section on Visioning and Goal setting, has given me the self- awareness and the tools to help improve my decision making.
I would highly recommend L.E.A.D. to anybody (pharmacists and non-pharmacists) who is looking to become more confident and to overcoming barriers to their success. Rachel is a fantastic coach, very enthusiastic, approachable, knowledgeable and hard- working. I couldn’t recommend her highly enough. I am so glad I participated in the programme, from both a professional and personal point of view.
Scroll Down to Enroll NOW to Join
the Next Cohort Beginning 09 November 2016
We are passionate about growing and developing our team. We believe that Together Everyone Achieves More. That is why we are committed to offering you high quality, relevant training, resources and support to help you achieve your goals. As we invest in ourselves and each other, everyone benefits.
We believe that you are THE most important person in your life. It is your knowledge, your skills, your mindset, your values you bring to your professional practice and business. Without YOU, there is no practice or business! Therefore, we believe that it is your duty to care for yourself and meet your needs FIRST, so that you can provide professional excellence to others. We believe it is your professional duty to consistently prioritise time in your life for YOU.
We believe that with the right knowledge, the right skills, the right support and the right actions your CPD will not only meet the IIOP ePortfolio Review Standards, but that you will grow and develop to take advantage of opportunities in the future.
And yet, many pharmacists say that they experience working as a pharmacist as isolating, that they don't feel supported and it is difficult to maintain positivity, growth and momentum when they feel alone.
Benefits for the Pharmacy Leader Team doing LEAD Online Together
- Enhanced engagement and fulfillment
- Focus on what is possible and learn from every experience
- Increased connectedness
- Reduced tolerations
- Increased productivity
"To get to the next level of greatness depends on our culture, which depends on the quality of our relationships, which depends on the quality of our conversations. Everything happens through conversations!"
Judith Glaser
"Employee engagement improves quality of work and health. For example, higher scoring business units report 48% fewer safety incidents; 41% fewer patient safety incidents; and 41% fewer quality incidents (defects)".
Recent participants in the programme echoed similar feelings with these insights:
"I was feeling very negative about my life in general I felt somewhat overwhelmed and disillusioned and had lost my mojo with my patients....which was very worrying. Something had to change....and it could and can only come from me!"
"I was surprised how challenging I found the values and vision and goal setting modules. I had not realised how my thoughts had become so negative that I found it really difficult to focus on what I wanted. This insight was huge for me."
"I never realised the impact of being so professionally isolated was having on me. Professional engagement is SO valuable. "
Meet Rachel Dungan -- The Pharmacist Coach
I have a wealth of experience as a pharmacist, trainer and a credentialed professional coach. My focus is to support pharmacists like you to achieve your personal and professional goals, make a positive difference in patients' lives and increase your positive impact.
My pharmacy experience spans over 20 years experience in patient-facing roles in hospital and community. I have held roles as superintendent pharmacist, supervising pharmacist, pharmacy manager and currently focuses primarily on coaching and training pharmacists and your teams to achieve your potential.
I mentor pharmacy interns to prepare to showcase their skills during their Pre-Registration Exam, especially their OSCEs. My focus is on developing their ability to communicate with impact and influence, manage their mindset, provide feedback and raise their awareness and skill to demonstrate confidence and competence during consultations.
We may well have met each other already, in my capacity as a pharmacist trainer with IPU Academy, Hibernian Healthcare Flu Vaccination Training, CPD Sessions Supporting Mental Health in Pharmacy Practice Module or at one of the Peer Support Pharmacist Information evenings offered by the IIOP. Or perhaps we met when you participated in one of 4Front's weekly online masterclasses, which are provided in partnership with Pharmaconex to support your CPD.
You can find out more about some of the live accredited workshops you could consider as part of your personal, professional or business development learning and development activities, by clicking here. All the programmes that I am involved in are mapped to the PSI Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists and/or the ICF Core Competency Framework for Coaches.
As well as being a pharmacist, I am also deeply involved in Continuing Coach Education, particularly where it connects to healthcare. I am a credentialed coach member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and am ICF Ireland's 2015 Life/Wellness Coach of the Year and founder of 4Front Pharmacy Solutions. As programme coordinator of the Medical Coaching Learning Community, I am fortunate to have developed an international network of thought-leaders with expertise in empowering patients living with medical conditions to be proactive about managing their own health and well-being.
In 2017, I will take up a role with ICF Global as co-lead of the International Health and Wellness Coaching Community of Practice. Pharmacists interested in expanding their healthcare perspectives are welcome to join either community.
What Are the Programme Features and Bonuses?
You Have Two Investment Options to Choose From:
Investment Option 1:
Investment Option 2:
Who Is Ideally Suited To The L.E.A.D. Mastermind Programme?
- Work best with structure
- Work best with external accountability
- Work best with peer support
- You have started self-study programmes in the past BUT have NOT finished them
- You have attended conferences / live CPD programmes in the past BUT have NOT implemented the learning
- You are doing CPD BUT are NOT recording much of it in your ePortfolio
- OPTION to upgrade to INTENSIVE one-to-one coaching
- Have an urgent and important goal on which to focus
- Need to get RESULTS fast
- WILLING to priortise time to IMPLEMENT commitments to action
- You have started self-study/group programmes in the past BUT have NOT finished them
- You have attended conferences / live CPD programmes in the past BUT have NOT implemented the learning
- You KNOW you doing behaviours that are sabotaging your success, but haven't managed to change these behaviours ON YOUR OWN
- Want to benefit from the exceptional discounted BONUS of a FREE 4-month LEAD module
- Want the CERTAINTY of having a structured CPD plan for 12-months
- Know you VALUE of the support and accountability LIVE group coaching
- Know you are WILLING TO COMMIT to at least 4 hours per month for your personal and professional development over the next 12 months
What Is the L.E.A.D. Online Programme Structure and Time Commitment?
- 4-5 hours per month: a Live, Virtual, Online Commitment: 2 x 2-hour online classes each month
- Self-study Content: 60 min each month, includes E-learning self-study resources with webinar recording, reflective exercises and one-to-one email support.
- Content Focus Group Call: In this 2-hour webinar , we explore, discuss and share the same topic as previously explored individually during self-study
- Content Implementation Call: During this 2-hour webinar, we focus on implementing the theory and skill into life and pharmacy practice with a variety of group facilitation, discussion, feedback, question and answers, and CPD cycle support.
A 12-Month Programme Seems Like a Very Significant Commitment.
It is significant.
It is a commitment.
To YOUR goals, YOUR Personal Development. YOUR Professional Development. YOUR business development. YOUR Career.
The LEAD Mastermind Programme is an investment in YOU, the person who is the pharmacist, as much as it is an investment in YOU - the pharmacist professional.
It is designed to embolden you to LEAD more fully in your own life, your own career, your own business, your own professional development. To take charge of what you can control. To find and articulate your voice. To make sustainable changes towards achieving your vision and goals, aligned with your values. To be ALL of who you are.
This is a 12-Month journey of discovery. It is NOT a quick fix. It is a wonderful, exciting, scary, leadership journey.
Your participation in The LEAD Mastermind Programme will ask questions of you that perhaps you have never asked yourself before. And even if you have asked them, you probably have never taken the time to listen to the answers. It takes courage to "go there". And it is expressly designed and structured to support you to be courageous.
As with any worthwhile journey, there will be days when you feel like giving up. That is why is it SO important to decide IN ADVANCE that you will do whatever it takes to complete the journey. Otherwise, excuses, distractions, other people's priorities will intervene. The 12 months will pass anyway.
Just think of it. How likely is it that you would have completed your pharmacy degree if you did not . . .
- commit in advance to finish what you started on day 1 of your freshman year?
- have the structure of the class timetable
- have the accountability of the exams
- have the support of your classmates, tutors, lecturers, parents etc.
As pharmacists, we are high achievers and we work well with structure. The LEAD Mastermind Programme gives us a framework to achieve. How can you leverage what you are already good at? What already works for you to achieve and invest in what is MOST IMPORTANT? The LEAD Mastermind Programme offers you this opportunity. All you have to do is DECIDE - Is this programme right for me? If it is, then enroll today and then follow and engage in the process!
The 12 months will pass by anyway. Why not give yourself the L.E.A.D. framework to make them the most impactful 12 months of your life to date?
Is the L.E.A.D. Online Mastermind Programme, the Right Choice to Support Me to Achieve My CPD Goals?
I don't know. But here are some questions I offer to help you to come to a clear decision.
On a scale of 1-10, where 1 = Minimum Score and 10 = Maximum Score, answer the following questions.
YOUR SCORE (Between 1-10) |
1. To what degree does the content resonate with me? CLICK HERE to read the Programme Content and Calendar in more detail | _______ |
2. To what degree could the content help me to address challenges I am facing right now? | _______ |
3. To what degree do I connect with and have faith in the programme facilitator Rachel Dungan to deliver? | _______ |
4. To what degree are you willing to take Personal Responsibility for your current results (both positive and negative) AND for making the changes needed to get different results in the areas which are currently problematic? | _______ |
5. To what degree could your participation in the LEAD Mastermind Programme benefit: | |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
TOTAL SCORE (OUT OF 100). The HIGHER your score, the MORE likely it is that the LEAD Programme is a good fit for you right now. The LOWER the score, the LESS likely it is that the LEAD Programme is a good fit for you right now. |
_______ |
Do you still have Questions? Read on for more Answers.
How Is the L.E.A.D. Online Programme Delivered?
- Pre-programme questionnaire to clarify desired outcomes and define measures of success
- Access to my private, on-line client portal to provide access to the self-study resources, one-to-one email support etc
- Live, online, Topic workshop and discussion on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, starting at 7.30pm
- Live, online, Implementation Workshop and Discussion on the 3rd Wednesday of each month
- Recordings available for review or in case a live session is missed
- Programme Evaluation after each module to include your key take-aways and your action steps
- Support to map each module to the core competency framework and record a CPD entry on the ePortfolio
What Topics Will Be Covered During the L.E.A.D. Online Programme?
- Month 1: VALUES - what is most important to you? What is most important to your employer?
- Month 2: VISION and SETTING GOALS - Get Clear and Focused
- Month 3: BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF - Focus on Living More of Who You Really Are
- Month 4: REMOVING BARRIERS TO SUCCESS - Beating Self-Sabotage and Reaching Your Potential
LEADERSHIP
- Month 1: YOUR LEADERSHIP IMPACT - The Pharmacy Leader's Journey
- Month 2: MANAGE STRESS - From the Inside Out
- Month 3: RECLAIM YOUR TIME - Find Balance and Have a More Fulfilling Life
- Month 4: PERSONAL MOTIVATION - Re-access your Inner Drive to Reach your Goals and Lead your Team
ENGAGEMENT
- Month 1: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION - Say it. Hear it.
- Month 2: DEMONSTRATE EMPATHY - Resonating With the Feelings of Others to Build Rapport
- Month 3: RESOLVE CONFLICT - To Create Positive Change
- Month 4: MOTIVATE OTHERS - Awakening in Others the Inspiration to Excel
For a More Detailed LEAD Online Mastermind
Programme Prospectus CLICK HERE
If You Are Ready to Achieve your Goals, Serve your Patients Even Better and Reach Your Potential by Prioritising YOU in YOUR Life and Developing Your Impact and Influence, Then Take Advantage of This Opportunity Today!
You Have Two Investment Options to Choose From:
Investment Option 1:
Investment Option 2:
Tell me More About How the Bonuses will Support Me
Based on the feedback from pharmacists who have participated in each of these bonuses, here are the top benefits they said they received. Our wish for you is that you too benefit in similar ways.
BONUS 1 : One to One Coaching Calls with Rachel
Three benefits to you include:
- Clarify your personal values, goals, and strengths
- Receive individual, private support to fast-track the results you get from programme
- Overcome personal hurdles to applying your insights into your pharmacy practice
Feedback from Previous Recipients of One-to-One Coaching
"Having Rachel work with me as my Coach is one of the best things I've ever done! I knew that I really wanted to change things in my life but I had a lack of clarity as to how to move forward. Rachel's unique strength lies in her ability to elicit personal values and goals through creative exercises".
"I was blown away by the power of role playing.... something that I had never experienced before at such a deep personal level. Rachel really helped me to focus on things that were holding me back, and focus on what was important to me"
"Rachel provided a non-judgmental space to discuss my thoughts, disclose my fears and appreciate all of my achievements. She was able to make me think differently about things and approach things from different angles".
"I would not hesitate to recommend Rachel to anyone seeking meaningful and lasting personal growth. Rachel can arm someone with the tools needed to succeed in life and at work. Thank you so much Rachel". Anna
BONUS 2: 12-Month Medical Coaching Learning Community [MCLC]
Three benefits to you include:
- Presentations by international thought leaders relating to mental and emotional aspects of caring for people living with medical conditions
- Inter-disciplinary, multi-cultural learning environment
- CPD accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
CLICK HERE for further programme details
CLICK HERE to watch a 7 minute "over the shoulder" video tutorial of resources
Feedback from Participants of the Medical Coaching Learning Community
BONUS 3: Recordings of Three CPD Online Masterclasses for Pharmacists
In these three recordings of live, 2hr online masterclasses, are specifically designed to support Irish Pharmacists to engage with CPD, you will be able to
1. Masterclass 1: Get started with using the functionality of the ePortfolio and CCSAT software
2. Masterclass 2: Explore what counts as CPD and how to fit it into your day
3. Masterclass 3: Identify exactly what ePortfolio Review 2016/2017 entails and how it is assessed
Extracts of Pharmacist Participant Feedback
Getting Started with CPD and the ePortfolio Masterclass
"I wanted to start to record my CPD and not be afraid of it anymore. I had built CPD up into a monster in my head. Now I am able to navigate the site and I know enough to confidently practice! I didn't have a clue what it meant until tonight so THANK YOU Rachel."
What Counts as CPD Masterclass
"I've recently moved house with 3rd new baby, so time management with full time work, so I wanted to get ideas as to how to fit it all in. Time management and problem solving are needed every day in order to do my job well. I now know how I can draw on life experiences and non-clinical scenarios for self appraisal and transfer to CPD. I have definitely risen 5 steps up on confidence and strategies during this workshop. Thank you."
Preparing for ePortfolio Review Masterclass
"I want to reduce my stress levels around CPD and to be more confident I am writing correct things in each section. Why? I am not called this year, but I want to be prepared. After just 2 hours I can say I have clearly understood the review standards and what is required of me. My Confidence is 10/10. Next steps? I will reflection my open CPD cycles and make sure they are consistent with the standards".
BONUS 4: Bring-a-Colleague Bonus Session for the Two of You Together
Three of the benefits of doing the L.E.A.D. programme with a colleague or as a team are:
1. You have accountability partner(s) to keep you on track to achieve your goals
2. You can debrief content discussed in the group setting on a one-to-one basis, with someone who "gets it".
3. The bonus session helps each of you to set expectations and optimise this partnership to your mutual benefit.
Still More Questions? (FAQs)
CLICK HERE to access further written Q&As
CLICK HERE to access a 10-min "over the shoulder" video guide to your LEAD Online Mastermind Resources
What Results Have Other L.E.A.D. Online Mastermind Programme Participants Had?
"The one to one coaching and this course gave me the confidence to apply for jobs I wanted and ultimately to be offered a job that is much more aligned with my values."
"It was a real breakthrough for me to talk up in the group and have the confidence to do so. It was intimidating at the start but listening back to the recordings, I realise how much value we each bring and that helped me to contribute too…. Hoping it would help someone else."
"I have become much more proactive - and have the courage to make difficult decisions and take action, because I know it is the right think - rather than hesitate. I has been a real challenge and also a real breakthrough. As a result, my business, my career and my home-life are becoming increasingly aligned."
"Every pharmacist should do this programme, especially those coming straight out of college. It helps you to uncover the self-awareness that is essential in dealing effectively with people. Find a way to offer this programme at undergraduate level."
Still Curious But Not 100% Sure Yet?
Schedule a 30-Min Call with Rachel Right Now!
At the end of this call you will be 100% clear on your decision about the LEAD Online Mastermind Programme starting in November 2016 whether your choice is:
100% YES - I am joining today or
100% NO - this is not the right programme for me right now?
Click here to schedule your "Is LEAD Right For Me" Chat with Rachel
If You Have Decided "YES, I Am Joining Today", Then You Have Two Investment Options to Choose From:
Investment Option 1:
Investment Option 2: