Focus Calm

 Uses Brain-Machine Interface Technology to Help Us Discern between when we are feeding the Sage Wolf and when the Saboteur Wolf is getting the Lion's Share of our attention!

I have been deeply diving into how to optimise human potential for over a decade.  I have learned, practiced (and in some cases mastered) a wealth of evidence-based tools to help my clients live their life consciously, fulfil their potential and inspire others to do the same. 

However, despite my progress, I still find it a challenge to help brilliant clients access the evidence they need to discern what is working FOR them, and what is holding them back. 

A second challenge is that it can take some time for a client to move from their Saboteur Wolf's perspective of blame, judgement and fault-finding to their Sage Wolf's perspective of taking PRIDE (Personal Responsibility In Delivering Excellence).  Their Saboteur Wolf presents itself as the voice of truth!  It can be VERY loud, VERY persuasive and VERY compelling.  BUT it is lying.     

I also know how my own Saboteur Wolf is both incredibly deceptive and a gifted liar - so good I too find it hard at times to discern whether my internal dialogue is the Sage Voice of truth or the Saboteur Wolf seductively lying.  In fact, my Saboteur Wolf had such a firm grip on me a decade ago that I thought it WAS me.   

You can imagine how intrigued I was to learn about FocusCalm technology at my monthly EPIC Mastermind Call with Positive PrimeI was so intrigued that I bought a FocusCalm device as a Christmas gift to myself, and started to use it daily as a neurofeedback tool.  How amazing is it that consumer technology has developed to the point where you and I can get real-time readings of the electrical activity in our brain?  (FocusCalm - a brain-machine interface company incubated in Harvard Innovation Lab - has 3rd party lab testing showing FocusCalm’s raw EEG signal has a > 95% correlation match with a 16-channel g.tec nautilus with EEG cap).  

I began using FocusCalm as a neurofeedback tool to experiment with ways it might inform my ability to

- understand my brain state moment to moment

- identify my own Sage's and Saboteur's signature mental patterns

- measure the efficacy of the tools and techniques I have been using and teaching to help clients reset the mind after a Saboteur hijack and develop 'mindset mastery', 'self-regulation' and 'self-command'

- improve my mental wellbeing. 

Initially, I wore it for 4-5 months, while doing everyday activities such as meditating, practising yoga, breathing practices, watching Positive Prime Sessions, doing PQ Reps, cooking, exercising, engaging with my kids, chatting with friends & family, creating content for you, hosting coaching conversations, participating in CPD events, reviewing recordings of my own coaching conversations (as part of my coaching CPD) etc. 

I found it fascinating to observe how often I had unconsciously slipped out of Sage Brainwaves (indicated by a blue light on the FocusCalm device). 

When I self-reflected on what had happened immediately preceding my Brainwave shift, I discovered that invariably it was a Saboteur-Fueled thought - in my case, I became consciously aware that my Saboteur Wolf was feeding me a remarkably consistent diet of comparing myself (negatively) with others and comparing my kids behaviour with some ideal version of reality my Saboteurs had concocted in my head to create negative comparison).   Dressed up as a wolf in lamb's clothing, my Saboteur Wolf was brilliantly maintaining my status quo by creating anxiety about not being good enough and harshly pushing me to prove myself.  (I knew I had this Saboteur voice, but I really was unaware of just how insidious it still was). 

Having made this breakthrough, it was extremely validating and motivating to discover that the evidence based practices I have been consciously incorporating into my life over the past decade also work for ME and MY brain.  I now had proof from my FocusCalm device that meditation, yoga, breathwork, gratitude journaling, watching Positive Prime sessions, doing PQ Reps are all remarkably effective at helping me to reset my Sage brain after a Saboteur hijack.  I now KNOW the value of my daily mental fitness practice - not just intellectually and academically, but also a deep knowing that permeates my entire being, and is evidenced from my OWN experimental brainwave data.  This combination of intellectual and scientific rigour, with personal practice and personal evidential data has helped me to shift from being susceptible to falling prey to my Saboteur Wolf's attitude of 'fitting in mental fitness practices as a nice-to-have good intention IF I wasn't busy, to committing to my Sage Wolf to feed ti first by proactively positively priming my brain as the FIRST and LAST priorities on which I found my morning and evening.  I also have intentional practices, such as PQ Power Breaks, which I punctuate throughout my day.  The difference this shift has made to to my performance, wellbeing and health have been profound.

Imagine the confidence you would have if you learned how to operate primarily from a Sage Inspired Mindset?  

Imagine the CPD you would be inspired to complete (rather than CPD you push yourself into doing) by cultivating a Sage Inspired Mindset?  

Imagine the difference in the quality of your decision making when it is informed primarily by your Sage Wolf and not limited by your Saboteur Wolf's Exaggerated Fears?

CLICK HERE if you are inspired to learn more about the FocusCalm Headband and how you could use it to to help you develop your Sage Inspired Mindset and intercept your Saboteur-Fueled worry, anxiety or negativity.  

If your Sage feels inspired to take transformative action to master your mindset, so that you reap benefits in multiple areas of your life, including professionally, our Positive Leadership Academy could be a perfect fit for you.  Our next cohort starts on November 7, 2022. Learn more here.