Positive Leadership Resources

Welcome to 4Front's Positive Leadership Resources

The resources provided below are designed to give you a glimpse into the world of Positive Intelligence® - - a transformative practice proven to boost performance, wellbeing and happiness. .

  • If you would like to learn more about mental fitness, I encourage you to watch the Positive Intelligence TED Talk by Shirzad Chamine https://youtu.be/-zdJ1ubvoXs
  • If you would like to know the saboteurs that are impacting your life, then take the Saboteur Assessment here: www.positiveintelligence.com/saboteurs
  • Did you know that your Positive Intelligence (PQ) Score measures the relative strength of the positive versus negative mental muscles? Discover your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ Score) https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/pq/overview
  • If you want to prime your brain so that positive emotions rather than destructive emotions are at the helm, try a 10 day free trial of a visual Positive Priming Resource pospri.me/rachel601.  It is an evidence based, visually gorgeous, simple meditation tool which research shows, when used for at least 3 mins per day, can enhance mood for up to 8hr.   
  • For a transformative personal and professional leadership journey, join 4Front's next Positive Leadership Academy Cohort CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS 4Front Positive Leadership I Mental Fitness I Welcome (coachesconsole.com)
  • CLICK HERE if you are inspired to learn more about the FocusCalm Headband and how you could use it to to help you develop your Sage Inspired Mindset and intercept your Saboteur-Fueled worry, anxiety or negativity.